Project “liberte” smart border for global crisis….

Based on my conversation with representatives of Lowe’s Canada (so prices of estimation  are done in Canadian dollars before taxes) building 100 meter 8f high fence using 10f high post and metal fence that will stop animal size mouse will cost 1993.30 dollar. We will use post every 2 meter and 2 lines of metal fence size of 5f each (so we have 50 posts and roughly 656f fence.

Border between USA and Mexico had 3145 km. If we put fence on both sides to protect animals from entering restricted area of Smart Border we need fence for 6290 km. This will cost roughly 125 million Canadian dollars. I would employ illegal emigrants to build this fence with labour price of 15 Canadian dollars per hour. I believe that for 200 million dollars fence can be done.

Restricted area of smart border will have inside cameras, motion movement sensors, defence system of complete destruction (basically turning being into ash), ground scanning devices and extras… Restricted area between two countries will be size of 1 km.

Predicted cost of it is 1 billion Canadian dollars all together taxes included.

One person can build approximately 100 meter of fence per week so 56 weeks give us 5.6 km per year. To build 6290 km border one person will need 1130 years.  With 1000 people team project can be accomplish in 1.13 year.

We believe that in 3 years project can be accomplish.

Only Smart Border -> Only can keep you safe in this aspect.

USA loses because of illegal emigration according of Donald Trump 300 billion USA dollars per year.

Editorial Note:

Presented links are just examples to show that technology is available and it is not just fancy talking.

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