Einstein genius or a charlatan? Tragic story of Mileva Maric Einstein by Piotr Grzywacz

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         Piotr Grzywacz – author (independent writer and journalist) philosopher, satiric, humanist and innovator

*Another Face of Albert Einstein * Gossips and true stories * How to deal with gossips * Gossip as an opinion maker * Secrets of life of Nicola Tesla and Mileva Maric Einstein *


Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein German-born theoretical physicist who developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics.


Albert Einstein is the most recognizable brand in the modern world. This name is associated with wisdom, knowledge and trust. So you would never think that Albert Einstein could be somebody else than just a pure genius. However truth is not always that sexy. On top of that if the truth can’t be established it is just another gossip.


Albert Einstein

I am sure that what I am going to say will not change much perception about famous scientist. Besides I believe that my story is based on gossip so has no big factual value. Nevertheless it is a story that is passed from generation to generation mainly through the word of mouth. So this is a story that lives deeply in psyche of one nation as a true story therefore I believe it is worth to be told…

Here I would like pose for a moment and share with you some wisdom.

Researching the history of human kind I came to the conclusion that there is no way to sweep the truth under the rug. The truth or something that is believed to be the truth will surface this way or the other. In this case we have popular gossip story that is believed to be the truth among these that are spreading this story.


What is the difference between gossip story and true story?

According my definition gossip story is a story that can’t be associated with hard facts.

He said because she said and she said because somebody told her – something like that. Actually nobody was there and saw what happened but they heard about it.

Maybe there are witnesses there that witness the whole event but they are impossible to be found. It may be the situation that you have access to witnesses or facts and data but you have to make sure that you are dealing the trustworthy sources.


Again in the case of gossip there is no documents to proof that the story is true, no witnesses and no data.

In true story everything or almost everything can be proven.

If we have the true story we can form a judgment. In case of gossip story we may or may not form a judgment.

However you should never underestimate the power of gossip. For some reason gossip spreads like a fire and can cause enormous damage. Gossip can destroy life not just one but many human beings and not only human beings. We are very vulnerable in face of gossip. We hate when people gossip in a wrong way about us and we love to gossip about others. Despite that gossip is considered as a serious sin in some religions we live in the world of gossip.

Gossip (1)

Is there a way to protect ourselves against gossip?

The answer is – No.

So how one should conduct his or her life knowing that?

The best way is not to gossip… which is obviously impossible to accomplish.

If we live in that kind of reality what we should do when we are targeted by gossip?

The answer is: We should remain calm, not to retaliate and try our best to provide others with facts or our version of the story. There is widely spread believe that who will come first with the story have more chances to get more attention and swing public opinion towards his version of the story. However rules here are very vague.

Gossip (2)

You can’t do much when people don’t believe you but you can prove others wrong by your daily behavior and attitude. I tend to believe as well that the truth about person or certain situation sooner or later will come out no matter how much you will try to hide it or deny it. There is possibility that you can live all your life hiding the truth and pretend but what kind of life it is.

One more time I would like to emphasize that one should never underestimate power of gossip. I believe that gossip is sort of Universe where 80% news or information is created and lives. This is the most influential image creating space. So it is good to know what people talk about you. And finally even if it is a gossip ignoring it is not the best way to deal with it. It is already a part of the common psyche. It doesn’t matter if there are facts or not behind the story if everybody believes that the story is truth. It doesn’t matter if nobody will tell you in your face what he or she thinks because they is no data if they already judged in their mind. That is why I believe if you  come across gossip it is good to deal with it.


It is your call.

So back to my story.

I learned this gossip story from my local bakery. I am shopping there almost every day.

A few days ago as usually I went to the bakery to buy some fresh buns and I was asked why is there so little on Our Site (Our Site – place on line run be me) about Serbs?

I have to say here that my local bakery in Junction area Toronto is owned by Serbs. It is wonderful place to shop for good quality food. So I did not want to lose that connection…but you know at 8 am you don’t wish to talk too much besides morning coffee, buns with cheese and honey. Nevertheless I listened patiently dreaming about going back to home as quickly as possible however after a while what I have heard catch totally my attention.

And story goes like that:

There was at least two extraordinary being that walked on this planet and they did not get right worldly recognition. They are both Serbs.

First person was Nicola Tesla


Nikola Tesla rival of Thomas Edison

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-born American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system. (Wikipedia)

Basically Nicola Tesla was a man who light up the world. Among his many discoveries we can mention just a few.

The most importantly he created efficient way of producing and transporting electricity. Trying to understand Tesla motives, motives that drive his work I can easily say that he was one of the greatest humanists of our times. He believed that he could give not expensive, cheep or even free (however it can be overstatement) source of energy for everyone. He was on the verge of discovering ways of transmitting electrical energy without wires. Conflict of interest between humanistic vision of the world by Tesla and materialistic concept of society represented by sponsors of his work led to complete blockage of his invention.

C13G3X Nikola Tesla, physicist, engineer and inventor of alternating current power, early 1900s

Nikola Tesla, physicist, engineer and inventor of alternating current power, early 1900s

This theory of mine can be supported by following chapter. Please read below.

“Tesla’s concept of wireless electricity was used to power ocean liners, destroy warships, run industry and transportation and send communications instantaneously all over the globe.  To stimulate the public’s imagination, Tesla suggested that this wireless power could even be used for interplanetary communication.

If Tesla was confident to reach Mars, how much less difficult to reach Paris. Many newspapers and periodicals interviewed Tesla and described his new system for supplying wireless power to run all of the earth’s industry.

Because of a dispute between Morgan and Tesla as to the final use of the tower.  Morgan withdrew his funds.  The financier’s classic comment was, “If anyone can draw on the power, where do we put the meter?””

Full Tesla biography -> Click Here

Secondly Tesla was a father of Radio and TV and going further if not him you won’t be able to read these words now.


Finally this is a knowledge not supported by any official study, Tesla and his scientific experiments got to the point of building and testing perpetum mobile. Device that could produce endlessly energy within its own system. Basically saying he wanted to give humanity endless source of energy. Machine that will work and work and work for you and will not cost you anything. For some reason Tesla name pop out as well in correspondence with cold fusion energy of the future. As I mention before he was Serbian.

The last chapter of Tesla life is not that much known. “In gossip world” it is said that he was killed because he advanced too far with his work.

The second person that came up on that morning bakery conversation was Mileva Einstein.


Albert Einstein with his wife Mileva

Mileva Marić was Albert Einstein’s fellow student at the Zurich Polytechnic, and later became his first wife.


Mileva was Serbian and as you can judge by the surname she was a wife of Albert Einstein. The gossip story unfold itself like that.

Mileva married Albert. She loved him over the hills. She was an amazing scientist and extraordinary mind. She was with Albert during crucial time of his work on major scientific discoveries. She was the one as well that made it happened. After many years of being together they divorced. Albert struck a deal with Mileva. They both agree that if he receive Nobel Prize for work that they did together she will get money and he fame. So all happened as they agreed. Mileva never got any recognition in scientific world but she kept money. That what Serbs believe is a true story.


Albert Einstein with Mileva and their childeinstein-fam

After checking some information on the net we have to admit that many facts  are matching.

Mileva Maric Einstein biography -> Click Here

To check all the possible aspects of this story I send email to Noble Prize Foundation in Stockholm asking some questions. They are still on vacation so…


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