Cloning, Hitler and Mengele We are able to produce people…! by Piotr Grzywacz










  Piotr Grzywacz – author (independent writer and journalist) 
philosopher, satiric, humanist and innovator

We may think that we won II World War.  

Hm… Not really. The main forces of Nazism and Fascism escaped and established their strong hidden presence across the world.

Nazis knew long time before that they lost (see assassination of Hitler). Knowing about certain defeat they prepared many road of evacuation. They build huge machine of deception and diversion that no one can crack and face so far.

Hiding money in Swiss banks, receiving acceptance from most powerful during mid-war time world banks and creating unbreakable and impenetrable system of support for all fellow war criminals was part of bigger plan of coming back.

Ort Frankfurt am Main / DeutschlandCredit OHNELegende Der Rassenhygeniker und spätere KZ-Arzt Josef Mengele während seiner Zeit am Institut für Erbbiologie und Rassenhygiene in Frankfurt am Main, das von seinem zweiten Doktorvater Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer geleitet wurde. Vgl. ID 5890152, dort mit Credit: Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin Dahlem. Dort auch die Datierung 1937-1940Fotograf OHNE(A) OHNE

Josef Mengele

The history of Josef Mengele is golden example of conspiracy that keeps Nazism alive!

Nevertheless, this story is about cloning and genetic manipulation of human code.

However, in my opinion you can’t talk about genetics but disregard work of Josef Mengele the Angel of Death and God of Auschwitz. He conducted his research on biggest pole of “alive material” which was – prisoners of Auschwitz.

Again in my opinion he looked for ways to produce … as we can say today – clones of people.

His obsession with twines is quite obvious to me and no one figure that out before. He wanted to observe how similar genetic material develops in womb of mother so he can mimic the same process in lab.


I have no proof that my claim is valid besides what we already know which is not much since all traces of his activities was wipe out. I heard in many cases that his findings was taken and protected by those who won field battle.

Anyway judging today pool of information we can see who is having what and how advanced this attempts are.

Cloning  The Irish Times 23 February 2015 Click -> Here

News that a top Irish-bred horse has been cloned – no once but twice – caught me on the hop. This was done on a commercial or at least semi-commercial basis and not as part of some advanced piece of scientific research. It means that we really have reached commercial break point. If you have enough money you can clone your deceased pet as many times as you wish.

The story of clones – two identical copies of the famous sport horse Cruising – is remarkable in its own. Cruising won many Grand Prix show-jumping competitions over the years, achieving the highest rating of any horse in Ireland at the time. This Irish champion died in September 2014 at the age of 29, but death was not the closing chapter in the horse’s life.

Two ducklings looking at one another

History of Modern Genetics

A “rough draft” of first human genome appeared in 2000, after 10 years of work and stupendous $1 billion investment, with a more complete version arriving in 2003.

Today you can achieve a reasonable level of accuracy in a human in human genome in day or two for about 1000 Euro and the price continues to fall.

This makes the potential to pursue advanced genetic research that much more available, not only to well-regulated academic research labs but also to private-sector businesses seeking to exploit these technologies. The two Cruising clones cost a reported 100 000 Euro each, but given they are already covering mares it may not take long recoup this investments.

Pet cloning is also under way with the first cloned pet, Little Nicky the cat, arriving in 2004 at cost of 50.000$ (43 900 Euro). The costs are such however that this is still a specialised market available only to very rich people who really loved their pets.


More about history of modern genetic Click -> Here

What is Cloning?

The term cloning describes a number of different processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity. The copied material, which has the same genetic makeup as the original is referred to as a clone.

Researchers have cloned a wide range of biological materials, including genes, cells, tissues and even organisms, such as a sheep.

There are three different types of artificial cloning: (1) gene cloning, (2) reproductive cloning and (3) therapeutic cloning.

(1) Gene cloning produces copies of genes or segments of DNA.
(2) Reproductive cloning produces copies of whole animals.
(3) Therapeutic cloning produces embryonic stem cells for experiments aimed at creating tissues to replace injured or diseased tissues.

In reproductive cloning, researchers remove a mature somatic cell, such as skin cell, from an animal (donor) that they wish to copy. They then transfer the DNA of donor animal’s somatic cell into an egg cell, or ooctye, that has had its own DNA-containing nucleus removed.

The egg is allowed to develop into an early-stage in the test-tube and then is implanted into the womb of an adult female animal.

More about What is cloning? Click -> Here


Testymony From Those That claim that They did it

Quebec-based sect could soon be cloning humans. Leader of Raelian Movement told U.S. panel in June 2014.

Real said, there are 100 female Raelians ready to carry cloned embryos.

Money would also seem to be of importance to the organization. They plan to charge about 200 000 US for each successfully cloned human.

The parents of a 10-month-old infant who died during routine operation are first in line for the Raelinas cloning experiments, said Dr Brigitte Boisselier,  the scientific leader of the Raelian cloning project.

However Rael said the ultimate goal is to allow adults to clone themselves shortly before their deaths.

“We would transfer, or download, or upload, your personality and your soul into this new being,” he said.


USA hearing about cloning /case by Rael Movement -> Click Here

After gathering information of Raelian Movement we found out that the prime goal of organization is spirituality. Raelian consider themselves the most as philosophical society. Cloning is something that is happening on margins of the group activity and is done by their members purely as a form of business venture. However Movement is in full support of cloning. There are statements available on line about humans being already cloned by members of Raelian Movement. Unfortunately there is no one known to us who would confirm presence of human clone in reality.

Interview with Harold John Henning, Jr. Raelian and spoke person on behalf of movement in subject of cloning.


Harold John Henning, Jr.




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